Honoring St. Joseph the Worker, and the kick-off for the Marian Month

by Fr. Sebastian Fernando

On 1st May 2024 (Wednesday) The St. Zatti Pre-novitiate House, in Kotadeniyawa celebrated the feast of the patron of the Vice-Province, St. Joseph the Worker.  A Solemn Eucharistic celebration in the morning was the highlight of the day as we thank the patronage of St. Joseph for all the SDBs and the ministry they are doing for the people specially the young people of Sri Lanka. Full of trust and confidence, the Pre-novitiate community once again entrusted their community and the whole Vice-province under the care of this man who is a model of faith, trust and vocational dedication and perseverance.

The community also inaugurated the Month-long celebration of the Marian Month as a community with the theme: as Sons of Mary, we desire TO KNOW, LOVE AND IMITATE MORE MARY OUR MOTHER! The blessing of the Marian Statue in the central garden, the special blessing for all the Community members, the blessing and giving of special Rosaries to be used for the month, and the start of a month-long offering of Spiritual Bouquet, and fulfillment of individual Nosegays for Mother Mary began the one-month-journey of all the members of the St. Zatti Community this year. All have the fervent desire to honor Mama Mary the way Don Bosco did, faithfully until the end of the month…and beyond.

Viva Don Bosco

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The society of St. Francis de Sales or Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), is a religious Congregation founded by St. John Bosco in 1859 in Turin, Italy for the purpose of helping, educating and training poor boys. To date, services of the Salesians have spread to 131 countries in the world. In Sri Lanka, the very first Don Bosco Centre was established in 1956 at Negombo. The Salesians of Don Bosco have, to date established 18 centres in different parts of the country. 


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